At Blink Out

Our pastor, (Pastor Bill Craig of Summit Trace Church in Frederick… has been speaking on a series he calls “Blink”. It is based on the scripture that “in the blink of an eye”, we will be with the Lord when we die. (That is if we know Jesus as our personal Savior!)

Yesterday he spoke and asked us all to be mindful of how are we living our lives. Are we living in such a way, that family and friends would have a really difficult time saying good things about us when asked? I want to be mindful of what kind of Christian I am even at home. It’s so easy to think… “Well they have to love me, warts and all!” But when those wart are a quick temper, waking up feeling crifitcal of the world, etc., those warts aren’t really anything more than sin. Are they? So I want to live at home, the same way I live away from home. I want those closest to me to see Jesus living in and through me!

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